Concrete Admixture Fuluorui


  • Citric Acid

    Citric Acid Anhydrous

    Citric Acid Anhydrous Avaliable

    Citric Acid

    Citric Acid Anhydrous

    Citric Acid Anhydrous Avaliable

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  • Orthoboric Acid

    boric acid

    Boric Acid/Orthoboric acid

    Orthoboric Acid

    boric acid

    Boric Acid/Orthoboric acid

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  • Sodium tetraborate decahydrate | Borax

    Borax decahydrate

    National standard borax
    Industrial borax

    Sodium tetraborate decahydrate | Borax

    Borax decahydrate

    National standard borax
    Industrial borax

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  • Sodium Tripolyphosphate(STPP)

    Concrete Retarding Agents Sodium Tripolyphosphate

    Sodium tripolyphosphate retarder

    Sodium Tripolyphosphate(STPP)

    Concrete Retarding Agents Sodium Tripolyphosphate

    Sodium tripolyphosphate retarder

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  • Sodium Hexametaphosphate(SHMP)

    Concrete Retarding Agents Sodium Hexametaphosphate

    Industrial Grade Sodium Hexametaphosphate 98%

    Sodium Hexametaphosphate(SHMP)

    Concrete Retarding Agents Sodium Hexametaphosphate

    Industrial Grade Sodium Hexametaphosphate 98%

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  • Maltodextrin

    Concrete Retarding Agents Maltodextrin

    Product Description Maltodextrin prebiotic maltodextrin 100 Organic Tapioca maltodextrin vs sugar For Concrete Maltodextrin is a starch derivative without free starch, which is hydrolyzed, refined…


    Concrete Retarding Agents Maltodextrin

    Product Description Maltodextrin prebiotic maltodextrin 100 Organic Tapioca maltodextrin vs sugar For Concrete Maltodextrin is a starch derivative without free starch, which is hydrolyzed, refined…

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  • Malt Syrup

    Rice malt syrup

    Rice Malt Syrup Concrete Retarder

    Malt Syrup

    Rice malt syrup

    Rice Malt Syrup Concrete Retarder

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  • White Sugar

    Concrete Retarding Agents White Sugar

    Product Description White sugar is refined sugar made from molasses extracted from sugarcane and beet. White sugar is white, clean, and sweet. In the process…

    White Sugar

    Concrete Retarding Agents White Sugar

    Product Description White sugar is refined sugar made from molasses extracted from sugarcane and beet. White sugar is white, clean, and sweet. In the process…

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  • Molasses

    Concrete Retarding Agents Molasses

    Beet sugar molasses


    Concrete Retarding Agents Molasses

    Beet sugar molasses

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  • Concrete-surface-retarder-F-1902

    Concrete surface retarder F1902

    surface retarder for concrete

    Concrete retarder is a kind of concrete setting agent, which delays the initial and final setting time of concrete without affecting the later strength of concrete.

    Concrete surface retarder F1902

    surface retarder for concrete

    Concrete retarder is a kind of concrete setting agent, which delays the initial and final setting time of concrete without affecting the later strength of concrete.

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  • Concrete-hardener-F-1001

    Concrete hardener F-1001

    Concrete early strength agent/Hardening accelerating admixture for concrete

    Concrete early strength agent refers to the additive that can accelerate the early strength development of concrete or mortar without reducing the later strength and durability. 

    Concrete hardener F-1001

    Concrete early strength agent/Hardening accelerating admixture for concrete

    Concrete early strength agent refers to the additive that can accelerate the early strength development of concrete or mortar without reducing the later strength and durability. 

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  • Sodium Chloride

    Sodium Chloride Salt

    Sodium Chloride Insustrial Grade

    Sodium Chloride

    Sodium Chloride Salt

    Sodium Chloride Insustrial Grade

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